Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why Women Should Keep Their Emotions In Check During Divorce

Load Netflix, stream movies, or rent a few DVDs for the weekend, and you’ll see countless examples of American relationship stereotypes. In almost every case that deals with divorce, the woman tends to ride an emotional roller coaster while the man simply packs up and moves on. Granted, these are common tropes, but such things don’t generally just appear out of thin air. Are women in today’s society really more likely to suffer during and after divorce? And if so, why?

How Does Your Gender Affect Your Marriage – And Your Divorce?

It’s a common belief that the breakdown of marriage affects both partners equally, but it simply isn't so. While men tend to distance themselves from residential contention, women are usually the ones who push for the divorce. In fact, 66 percent of divorces in America are initiated by wives.

Unlike men, who are practical by nature, women tend to be emotional. There’s nothing wrong with being emotional – it's simply a difference in gender-based behavior. Men, for example, are sexually motivated and may choose not to make permanent lifestyle changes even if they’ve mentally checked out from the marriage. Instead, they may opt to hold on to their household title even if their placement or routine changes. They may take on a mistress, move out of the family home, and drop all other pretenses of marriage other than the financial support of those still residing within their documented homestead.

The average woman, on the other hand, is far more emotional than her male counterpart. Some women leave abusive or adulterous marriages, while others leave spouses due to an ongoing lack of respect, a partner's refusal to help with the home or childcare, or other neglect of their needs. Instead of internalizing these thoughts, learning to communicate without judgment or blame, or waiting for him to improve, women often seek closure via a divorce attorney. Empowerment, social stigma, education, and careers also play a part in a woman’s decision to leave her marriage.

What Your Michigan Divorce Lawyers Suggest Instead

High emotions are par for the course, especially during a contentious divorce. But Michigan divorce attorneys encourage couples to keep those emotions in check during divorce procedures. Top divorce strategists encourage clients – male and female alike – to think financially as opposed to emotionally. Focusing on the money angle can ensure a better and more secure future for all.

If you’re leaning toward ending your marriage, you need to consider your future happiness. And the first step is to set up a consultation with a competent Michigan divorce lawyer.

Contact Michigan Divorce Help today for more advice on keeping those dangerous emotions in check.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

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