Monday, December 23, 2013

5 Negative Behaviors That Impact Children in a Divorce

If you are going to be going through a divorce and you have kids, then you have a few things you need to consider besides who gets what and who is going to live where. The following five things could negatively affect your kids during a divorce, so ensure you take them into consideration during this tough time.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mars and Venus Get a Divorce - Differences Between Men and Women After a Divorce

Men and women approach divorce in relatively the same way, but post-divorce is a whole other story. There are vast differences in how men and women go on after a divorce. When you look at the differences between men and women after divorce as a whole, you can see why some of the difference occurs.

Monday, December 9, 2013

3 Social Media Mistakes That Can Derail Your Divorce

A recent study indicates that Facebook use is related to divorce, in just the ways one would expect. Those who use Facebook more often are more likely to have relationship problems. Social media is at its problematic best in the times leading up to and during a divorce. Here are three important pitfalls to avoid.

Monday, December 2, 2013

5 Errors People Commonly Make During a Michigan Divorce

Many individuals seek the advice of a Michigan divorce attorney when they have decided to dissolve their marriage. The latter is never a pleasant undertaking, and most Mt. Clemens, MI, residents find that it is wise to have a professional legal firm oversee the process. It is essential for couples who find themselves in such circumstances to avoid making the following five common divorce mistakes.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Divorced at the Holidays: Find New Ways to Celebrate

No matter what your situation is, a divorce can make the holidays seem like a very scary and lonely time. The holidays are usually a time that family and friends, or sometimes just a couple, come together to share memories and laughter, and make more memories, and your ex and your traditions together were likely a very big part of that. Moving forward will be different, but you will survive! Following are some suggestions on how to get through the holidays after a divorce, no matter what type of situation you are in.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Be Smarter Than Your Smartphone: Mobile Downfalls in a Michigan Divorce

A smartphone is only as smart as its user, and cell phones have a notorious history of causing problems during divorce. Such problems are simple enough to avoid, though, with just a little forethought and common sense. Here are a few quick points of divorce-time cell phone etiquette:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

6 Ways to Avoid Negative Behavior During Your Michigan Divorce

Divorce is going to be a difficult process for all parties concerned. It’s almost unavoidable that you will come against some issues, no matter how hard you try. After all, it’s a life-changing decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

Nevertheless, the fact that divorce is emotionally draining doesn’t mean that it gives you a blank check to show destructive behavior. In fact, this can have a highly damaging influence on your relationships, work, and general well-being. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Divorcing in Michigan? How to Date the Smart Way

Many people will give you their advice about dating during a divorce, but you have to remember that their advice is always coming from their experiences, and it does not always apply to you. There are many success stories out there from people who found love while in the process of getting a divorce, and with the right attitude and approach, you can be one of them!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

4 Tips to Conquer a Nasty Michigan Divorce

Even if your divorce was mutually agreed upon, and started out as an amicable divorce, it can quickly turn nasty. Badmouthing, intense fights, and a whole host of hurt feelings can occur. The thing to remember is that many people have survived a nasty divorce in Michigan and come out the other side a stronger and happier person, and you can too. Following are four tips to help you cope with your divorce if it turns nasty.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Understand How Parenting Time Works in a Michigan Divorce

When parents part, one of the most important questions is how much time will each parent have with the child. In Michigan the time that the non-custodial parent spends with their child is known as parenting time or visitation. Below you will find a broad overview of how to parenting time works.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Divorcing Someone You Still Love: 5 Ways to Cope with Your Michigan Divorce

Sometimes you marry someone who you love with all your heart, but throughout your marriage you realize that you are not compatible to live with this person for the rest of your life in an intimate way. It doesn't mean you love them any less; it just means that in order for both of you to be happy, you have to allow each other to find someone else who will be compatible in an intimate way for life. If you are going through a Michigan divorce with someone you love, use the following tips to help you cope.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Be Stronger Than Your Michigan Divorce: Overcoming Emotional Trauma

There are few things in life as devastating as the emotional trauma of divorce. It hardly matters if you asked for the divorce yourself, if it was a surprise you woke up to one day or somewhere in between – the stress is real and can harm all areas of your life. Fortunately there are a few smart tips that can help you make it through the storm and get your life back on track.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

5 Financial Problem Your Michigan Divorce Can Cause

In the US, 50 percent of all marriages will end in divorce. The numbers are even higher among those over 50 at about 67 percent. Getting a divorce is extremely stressful especially if there are children involved. But the most devastating by product of divorce is the financial burden it can cause. Ironically, the number one cause for divorce is financial problems. Those problems are magnified tremendously during and long after the divorce is final.

Let’s take a look at five of the most common ways a Michigan divorce can turn your finances upside down.

#1 – Divorce Affects Finances Differently For Women
According to research conducted by Utah State University, a woman is more likely to suffer overwhelming financial problems after a divorce especially if she has children. That’s because five out six children will end up living with their mother after a divorce. The mother now has to rely on just one household income instead of two. The Utah study also found that three out of four women do not get the full amount of court ordered child support. Unfortunately, in many households the husband earns more than the wife. Once divorced her income is simply not enough to pay for everyday expenses, bills and full time care of children.

#2 A Michigan Divorce Can Cause Problems With The IRS
Another area that is overlooked when seeking a divorce is the possible tax issues after the divorce is final. Couples involved in a divorce are so tied up emotionally neither thinks about which parent will get the tax exemptions for dependent children. If you ever watched one of the many reality court shows, there’s no doubt you’ve seen a divorced parent suing an ex spouse because one filed as head of household when the other believes they had that right to do so. In the end, the IRS will go after one or both and with interests and penalties added on it can quickly become a long expensive financial battle that can take years to settle.

#3 Michigan Divorce & Spousal Support
This is an area of divorce that can vary wildly. The amount one may have to pay in spousal support depends on a number of factors, but if alimony is ordered it’s not unusual to end up paying as much as 50 percent of your income to your ex-spouse.

#4 Credit Card Debt
In most cases, all debts created during the marriage will be divided between both parties. However, there have been cases where unsuspecting spouses going through a divorce are often blindsided by a mountain of credit card debt they didn’t even know existed. One spouse goes out and runs up a huge credit card bill while going through the divorce process. The other spouse often ends up having to take responsibility for paying off at least 50 percent of that debt as well.

#5 Macomb County, Michigan, Legal Fees
The amount you will pay to file for divorce varies depending on several factors. For example, if the divorce is not amicable, meaning you and your soon to be ex disagree on several issues, the costs to settle your divorce can increase quite a bit.

The decision to get divorced often happens during times of extreme emotional stress which can lead to costly mistakes. If you are thinking of filing for divorce, seek the advice of a Michigan divorce lawyer to explore the best options for your situation. Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Helping Your Kids Cope with Your Michigan Divorce

If divorce is a sad experience for parents, it can be very challenging and even traumatic to kids. If they do not receive the best support, they can end up being affected throughout their lives. Kids and divorce is a trending topic that you will not find only in courtrooms, but also in journals, blogs and books. But no one can understand the depth of the pain and the suffering some kids can undergo when their parents’ divorce. The experience could be less painful for kids if handled with tact and in the right way. The worst thing for kids is to feel that they are the cause of the divorce. Before you start considering hiring a Michigan divorce attorney, below are some of the facts you should know about handling divorce. 

Involve Kids More than Your Divorce Lawyer
Some people can be so involved about getting the divorce quickly done with that they forget that kids are part of the problem. Although the divorce is not their fault, they are directly affected and not involving them in the process could have tragic consequences for the kids. This is a period that kids need to understand that they’re loved unconditionally. They want to feel that they can count on you for stability and care. You can make them feel this from the way you listen to them and how you assure them that you’ll continue to be a father or mother they can count on. As much as you can, avoid the temptation to dwell much on what you want while neglecting the feelings, questions, and confusion the kids experience due to the divorce.

Get Help with a Michigan Divorce Lawyer
How the legal implications of divorce are handled can also affect your children adversely. You want to ensure that your children experience justice in its best form. One of the things to avoid would be to have children witness court drama on your divorce case. Instead of going through a lawsuit, you can choose to make the separation as peaceful as possible. By choosing the amicable way of separation, you’ll spare your kids the trauma of witnessing an open courtroom battle. An experienced lawyer in Michigan can advise you on the best course of action to take, ensuring that everyone receives a fair share of justice.

Make Informed Decisions by Consulting the Best Macomb County, Michigan, Attorney

Do not think that you can handle the situation on your own perfectly. The divorce process can involve a lot of emotional stress which can hinder those involved from being objective. It is natural for each parent to seek the best results for himself or herself, to get the best share of property, and to have favorable terms with child support and custody. The wrong decisions can affect kids very badly. By hiring a reliable, experienced, and well trained mediator, you can avoid making hasty decisions that can affect the lives of your kids negatively. An experienced mediator can help the couple become more aware of the needs of their children and how to handle them.

To successfully help kids go through the divorce process, it is important for parents to understand how they feel about the situation. Kids would want both parents involved in their lives. They would want better cooperation between the parents, not wanting to be the messengers between them. Kids would want to spend great time with each of their parents. During divorce, it is absolutely important for kids to be told the whole truth, without putting the blame at someone. They should be made to understand that things will be different; however, the changes that are to take place should be addressed with clarity and honesty. You’ll need to be very patient while children grow to accept the divorce, helping them find words for what they feel and acknowledging their feelings.

Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation, discuss your situation, and how a Michigan divorce might affect your children.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Be Open to Love After Your Michigan Divorce: 4 Ways to Find Love Faster

Dating after divorce can be hard, but finding love after divorce can be even harder. There are certain things that you have to take into consideration while you are looking for love again. After your Michigan divorce lawyer finalizes your divorce, use the following four tips to help you find love. 

1. Get Rid Of Stereotypes Before Dating After Divorce
When you are carrying around a lot of resentment and negative feelings about your ex, you may paint new people in a negative light that they are not deserving of. For instance, if your date does something that reminds you of your ex, then you may start to label your date with negative attributes that you disliked in your spouse. It is important to remember that even if someone walks, talks, or does things like your ex, it doesn’t mean that they hold the same negative traits that your ex does.

Therefore, let go of your stereotypes. Imagine each person as unique on the inside, regardless of what they do on the outside. Let them prove to you whether or not they are worthy of your love.

2. Remember Dating After Divorce Is Harder With Emotional Baggage
When you still hold on to disappointments, trauma, and wrongdoings from your past marriage, you can cause all sorts of issues in your life when you start dating again. Just like stereotypes, emotional baggage can cause you to view your date in a negative way. In addition, it can cause you to do some very unhealthy things as you try to find love. Therefore, before you venture out into the dating world again, make sure that you deal with any emotional concerns that may cause an issue.

3. Learn From Your Michigan Divorce Before Getting Remarried
Statistics show that second and third marriages are more likely to end in divorce. This is likely because many people do not take the time to learn from their first divorce and tackle their new relationships in a different way.

If you do not fix issues that you had in the marriage, then you are bound to repeat the same mistakes in any future relationship that you get into. Therefore, you have to be honest about your contribution to the divorce and take action towards becoming a different partner. Issues can include obvious things such as distrust and poor communication. However, they may also include things that are less obvious, such as low self-confidence and emotional baggage.

4. You Are Not Limited To Macomb County, Michigan, Or Anywhere Else
The Internet has opened up a world of people for you to find. The love of your life may not be in the same area that you are in. They may be across the world! Do not limit yourself when looking for love. Instead, join various dating sites that allow you to search for people who fit your desires, no matter where they are, and be open-minded to the interactions you have with these people. There is someone out there who is a perfect match for you, and they are currently single and looking.

In the end, finding love after your Michigan divorce can be hard if you are carrying around stereotypes or emotional baggage, so make sure to let all of that go before you start dating again. In addition, make sure you learn from your past mistakes so that history does not repeat itself. Lastly, keep open-minded about where you are going to find love, so that the right person can find you no matter where they are.

Get Michigan divorce help from Jacob Femminineo of Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC, in Macomb County, Michigan. Contact us to set up your free initial consultation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

Friday, August 16, 2013

Avoid These Social Media Mistakes During a Michigan Divorce

Quite frequently every Michigan divorce attorney gets to see and hear about some of the mistakes their clients make during divorce proceedings . It’s one of the most emotional times imaginable and this is certainly easy to understand, but with a little forethought many of these mishaps can be avoided. In this digital age and with the popularity of social networking many of these stumbles occur online. For those interested in avoiding these pitfalls knowledge can be very powerful!

Social Media Advice to help Your Michigan Divorce Lawyer
Social media is a fact of life now just like phone and e-mail and people love to communicate this way. The key is using social media wisely during a divorce and preventing unnecessary issues and problems.

Biggest Social Media Mistakes in a Michigan Divorce

Here are some of crucial social media mistakes to avoid during divorce:

* Commenting on Divorce Online. Those going through divorce are wise to avoid discussing their divorce, their relationships, economic status or anything else that could be potential “fuel” used against them. There’s no telling who is seeing and keeping a copy of these comments, especially the ones that may have been made in a rush of emotion. The strategy and discipline to say less rather more is a form of insurance and security.

* Photo Posts. Showing caution about being in photos that could even be the least bit suggestive, or involving things like bars and night clubs is also widely recommended. Showing extra care here may seem a bit over protective, but again and again these types of things have shown up in divorce cases and harmed the people who participated in them.

* Consider Social Media Friends Carefully. Social media friends are often not reliable. Only sharing private information with a very close circle known in real life prevents potential issues in this area. During a divorce taking steps to minimize the chances of any unforeseen surprises from social media is again stressed.

Hiring a Michigan Divorce Lawyer and Social Media Strategies
It is clear that it’s important to keep as private as possible during the divorce process. Most see this as using social media smartly and wisely. Many even choose to set their pages on something like Facebook to a more private setting as a further appropriate measure. That may or may not be overkill depending on a individual’s personal situation.

Forethought and planning can clearly serve as a preventive measure regarding social media posts, updates and exchanges.

Divorce Representation in Macomb County, Michigan
If you need a Michigan divorce attorney, call Femminineo Attorneys for a consultation and to discuss your case. Experience, skilled representation is essential to ensure your best interests are well protected. This emotionally draining and trying time can be navigated more smoothly when you are working with someone who has proven abilities you can trust in.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

Friday, April 12, 2013

When You Want Full Custody of the Kids in a Michigan Divorce

Custody decisions are made based on what is in the best interest of the child, and it is rare to encounter a divorced Michigan couple where one party has full custody of their children. The state prefers parents to share custody of a child whenever possible. However, there are exceptions to every arrangement, and no two custody agreements are identical.

Definitions of Custody

Also known as “sole custody,” full custody is generally accepted to mean that one parent has both legal custody and physical custody of the children.

When a parent has legal custody of a child, they have the right to make all important decisions for the child. This can include choices surrounding medical care, schooling, extracurricular activities, travel out of the country or state, day care arrangements, and so forth. Physical custody simply means the child regularly resides with one parent.

“Standard” custody in Michigan divorce law means one party has sole physical custody of the child and the non-custodial parent has reasonable parenting time to spend with their child, such as weekends, certain holidays, school breaks, and summertime. In this situation, parents often have joint legal custody which means that both parents have an active role in their child’s life and neither parent can make a major choice for their child without the other’s approval.

The Child Custody Act and Mediation

For Michigan in particular, the state code includes the Child Custody Act which names 12 specific criteria that must be taken into consideration by the judge presiding over a divorce case involving children.
Michigan judges typically order divorcing parents to participate in mediation before custody orders are issued to see if it’s possible for parents to work out a custody agreement without involving the court. The state does favor joint custody.

Sometimes it’s necessary to get creative when solidifying custody arrangements, and there are any number of ways that parenting time can be divided equally and fairly between divorced parents while maintaining consistency and stability in the child’s life.

If you have questions about child custody or the divorce process in general, contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC in Macomb, Michigan, to schedule your free initial interview.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Coping with a Michigan Divorce on Valentine’s Day

You may feel any number of emotions surrounding Valentine’s Day, whether you’re divorced or in the process of getting a divorce in Michigan. There’s anger, loneliness, sadness, indifference, and even glee for some people. Whatever your current state of being, it’s not wrong – we all process life changes in different ways.

Recent studies have found that divorce filings actually increase 40 percent around Valentine’s Day, so if you’re feeling like you’re alone in your loneliness, don’t. Instead of dwelling on the love you had in the past (or the terrible Valentine’s Days you used to have), find positive ways to cope with this one day of the year.

Focus on Your Children

Custody issues during a divorce can make you feel disgruntled, not to mention stressed about your kids’ well-being. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to take 24 hours and stop thinking about parenting time and who’s getting the kids on what weekends or holidays.

Celebrate your children instead of focusing on the absence of marital love in your life. Create new traditions that are special to your changed family unit. And, most of all, do your best not to taint the holiday for your kids just because you’re feeling less than merry about hearts, flowers, and chocolates. Even though your relationship isn’t what you might have hoped for, you can still convey to your children that love is possible, wonderful, and in their future.

Celebrate on the Cheap

When there is divorce, there are money issues, whether you’re the one who’s doling out child support or the one who’s lamenting the inability of your ex-spouse to pay you on time. Find ways to make the most of the holiday without putting yourself in the hole.

If you have someone new in your life, opt for a romantic dinner at home instead of a wine and roses meal at a five-star restaurant. If you are flying solo, don’t go overboard on the jewelry purchase just to make yourself feel better. A pot-luck or BYOB night with the other single girls or guys in your circle can help you cope without over-indulging moneywise.

Try to Stay Optimistic

So many divorcing couples are of the mindset that relationships and romance are forever tainted by an ugly split. Know that love is possible for you in the future. Trust too that your divorce battle, if it is hostile and taxing, will ultimately come to an end, and you can move on with your life with a new outlook, and hopeful for love.

If you have questions about pursuing a divorce in Macomb County, Michigan, contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial interview.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Is It Possible to Get a “Quickie” Divorce in Michigan?

There isn’t one divorcing person who hasn’t asked the question, “How long is my divorce actually going to take?” While the definition of a “quickie” divorce is all relative, there are only two types of divorces in Macomb County and the state of Michigan. That designation is what will determine the minimum amount of time it will take to complete your divorce.

Why Children Affect How Long a Divorce Takes

If your union produced children and you are now filing for dissolution of marriage, expect the process to last at least six months, or 180 days. For Michigan divorces that do not involve children, the minimum amount of time required to complete this divorce is 60 days.

The 60-Day Divorce Minimum

A 60-day divorce is the minimum for every couple in Michigan, regardless of your situation. There are no exceptions to this rule. Why do you have to wait? Why can’t you just settle the break-up of your marriage in a matter of a few days? Simply enough: The wait is imposed in case you change your mind about the divorce.

Plenty of couples have argued or reached an impasse in their marriage that has one of them deciding impulsively that a divorce is the only way to solve the problem. “Impulsively” is the key word. The 60-day wait ensures that there is no possibility for rash decisions, and it provides couples with a period of time to think about what it is they’re doing and if it is truly in the best interest of their family to go their separate ways.

Divorce = Paperwork

Don’t get your hopes up, however, about the prospect of a divorce being finalized in a mere two months if you do not have children. Divorce takes time, effort, and plenty of paperwork. There is tremendous documentation, discovery, complaints, counter-complaints, Friend of the Court recommendations, and more that needs to be filed. All of these proceedings could be started and completed in a matter of 60 days, but everything must be done correctly and accurately to make sure that a divorce is properly completed.

Every Divorce is Different

In general, a divorce involving children shouldn’t last longer than a year; a divorce without children shouldn’t take longer than six months. Ultimately, though, every divorce is its own unique animal with very specific issues and complications to overcome. Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC in Macomb, Michigan, to schedule your free initial interview. Learn what steps you need to take to file for a divorce and how long you can expect your proceedings to take.

F. A.