Thursday, November 28, 2013

Divorced at the Holidays: Find New Ways to Celebrate

No matter what your situation is, a divorce can make the holidays seem like a very scary and lonely time. The holidays are usually a time that family and friends, or sometimes just a couple, come together to share memories and laughter, and make more memories, and your ex and your traditions together were likely a very big part of that. Moving forward will be different, but you will survive! Following are some suggestions on how to get through the holidays after a divorce, no matter what type of situation you are in.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Be Smarter Than Your Smartphone: Mobile Downfalls in a Michigan Divorce

A smartphone is only as smart as its user, and cell phones have a notorious history of causing problems during divorce. Such problems are simple enough to avoid, though, with just a little forethought and common sense. Here are a few quick points of divorce-time cell phone etiquette:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

6 Ways to Avoid Negative Behavior During Your Michigan Divorce

Divorce is going to be a difficult process for all parties concerned. It’s almost unavoidable that you will come against some issues, no matter how hard you try. After all, it’s a life-changing decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

Nevertheless, the fact that divorce is emotionally draining doesn’t mean that it gives you a blank check to show destructive behavior. In fact, this can have a highly damaging influence on your relationships, work, and general well-being. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Divorcing in Michigan? How to Date the Smart Way

Many people will give you their advice about dating during a divorce, but you have to remember that their advice is always coming from their experiences, and it does not always apply to you. There are many success stories out there from people who found love while in the process of getting a divorce, and with the right attitude and approach, you can be one of them!