Monday, May 26, 2014

Avoiding the Financial Pitfalls of Divorce

Quite often, people make one of two major mistakes when it comes to divorce. They either put off the divorce much longer than necessary due to financial worries, or they jump the gun and forego any type of significant financial planning. If you’ve made the firm decision the marriage is over and talked your options through with your Michigan divorce attorney, you may already know of some of his or her suggestions. But if you haven’t discussed matters with your law office, at least begin planning with the following tips and strategies.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Trading in Tradition: Blaming Kids for Divorce

Lifelong marriages are all too often a luxury of the past. Life stresses can cause even the most stable and supportive partnership to deteriorate with little warning. But when it comes down to specifics, your Michigan divorce attorney can tell you, two main reasons continually top the list for divorce: money woes and stress over raising children.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Remarriage Realities: Will You Wed Again After Divorce?

So you've divorced with the aid of your Michigan divorce attorney, and your lifestyle is healthier. You've dated and even said those magic words to a new romantic partner. My goodness, did you just hear that? Were those…wedding bells? Dating post divorce is one thing, but a large majority of divorcees choose to remarry, or consider remarriage, within 3 years after their primary divorce.

What may seem like an unlikely turn of events after the original marital bliss turns bitter suddenly becomes a predictable situation for many people who rediscover the emotional benefits of partnership. But there are some serious facts you must consider before taking your next stroll down the aisle.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Side-Stepping Potential Concerns of Your New Blended Family

Stepchildren can add a lot of unexpected joy to a second marriage; but the addition of household members also increases divorce rates by 5-10% across the board. While almost 50% of adults have some form of step-relationship within their family, most new stepparents still feel buried at one point or another with worries regarding parental responsibilities.