Saturday, December 27, 2014

How to Hurdle Devastating Divorce Deterrents

Divorce doesn't just creep up on a couple. Small issues begin as pebbles that easily turn into boulders in a committed relationship. Before you know it, those huge rocks block all of the good you originally saw in your partner. For most people, the concept of divorce is a difficult – but often rewarding – option for an otherwise impossible situation. But some couples adamantly refuse to consider getting a divorce, opting instead to live in misery. And here's why:

What Are Some Common Reasons for Avoiding Consultation with a Michigan Divorce Lawyer?

Mt. Clemens, Michigan couples often stay together for the sake of the kids. Children of strong and stable two-parent households need both parents. The guilt on either end – of both the remaining and the missing parents – can be a strong enough reason to continue the pretense that all is well.

Some unhappily married couples stay married out of a sense of spiritual necessity. The guilt of turning one’s back on their practice or faith by participating in a divorce can keep defeated partners from seeking happiness outside of their broken relationship.

Other couples stay together for social reasons. Family, friends, and business acquaintances often play a part in keeping you from seeking emotional freedom. How will the gossip hens at the country club react to your failed marriage? What about the parents at the PTA? While these thoughts warrant attention, they shouldn't be enough to keep you shackled.

Ultimately, the most gripping reason for staying in a bad marriage is fear. This can include multiple concerns, including the fallout from unforgivable relationship errors such as betrayal or abuse. Financial issues such as household finances, joint property, and credit concerns can then readily deter future happiness. This is especially troubling if the couple disagrees about spending and saving.

Divorce Is Always An Option

There are specific reasons for staying in a marriage, but fear should never be one of them. All of the above concerns are fueled by fear. Fortunately, competent professional marital advisors reside within Macomb County, Michigan, so you’re never far from support or assistance.

In today’s world, there is no reason to live a lie for the kids. Older kids, specifically, usually know what’s going on, and chances are they've discussed their home life with friends who have gone through it, too. They probably won’t be thrilled about the divorce, but kids are far more resilient than most parents realize.

Your divorce attorney can suggest family or couples therapists to assist communication efforts during this tough time. This can include suggestions to discuss options with your clergy member or notable members of the congregation. Most religious leaders are well-versed in counseling couples about divorce. Seeking the correct council may help open the door to a happier life.

Social issues can be a challenge. But no-fault divorce options remove the unfair stigma so often related to divorce. Michigan is a no-fault state, which means a divorce can be as discreet as the couple desires, with no formal reasons for the split on record. This, of course, varies per individual case and specific needs, but your Michigan divorce attorney can keep things hush-hush while you focus on your proven support system.

Fear wrangling is your Michigan divorce lawyer’s specialty. From custody to stock division, your divorce team can enlist the involvement of a family therapist, recommend a financial planner, and supply up-to-the-minute legal advice for any part of your marital life. A call is all it takes to begin the process. You deserve to be happy again.

Find out how to take the next step: contact your Michigan divorce attorney today.

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