Thursday, November 27, 2014

5 Ways to Stay Sane During Post Divorce Holidays

Your Michigan divorce was likely a long time coming, but it’s never a simple process to end a long-term committed relationship. Guilt over family matters and outside joint relationships can lead to serious depression and withdrawal around the holidays. But the good news is that with a creative and rational thinking, you can easily survive – during and after the holidays. Try the following suggestions to see for yourself.

Prepare and Keep Things Simple

Holidays can be stressful in the best of times. So, it only makes sense they’d be unbearable at your worse life stages. Give yourself a break and strive for self-compassion. Begin planning early, and lower your expectations of having the perfect Norman Rockwell holiday season. If festive lights and mall-based activity is too much, shop online for absolute essentials.

Scaling back on gifts and decorations is completely acceptable. Cut back on your holiday feast if you’re not entertaining a big crowd, and treat yourself in some other way. If certain decor, scents, or music trigger sadness or depression, put them back into storage. They can be brought out another year when you feel stronger or eventually donated.

Take Care of Yourself First

Being single, especially after years of being in a partnership, can be a huge burden or a giant release. It all depends on your personal outlook. You can do several different things to ensure you remain positive. Participate in a new fitness program. Take a cooking class with a friend. Go for a pampering session a before the holiday. Have your home professionally cleaned so you don’t have to sift through things you'd rather not. Get lots of sunshine or load up on vitamin D to boost your mood.

Have a Set Coping Strategy Planned and at the Ready

Don’t anesthetize your emotional pain. Keep a list of numbers on your refrigerator, by your bedside, in your purse or briefcase, in your car, and even at work if necessary. These numbers can include your Michigan divorce lawyer, suicide hotline, therapist or counselor, church or religious institution, or close friends or family members who have adopted a support role and proved their worth. If being alone in the house or apartment is too stressful, than get out. But don’t do it alone. Call a friend and take in a movie. Plan a weekly dinner with a co-worker or family member. Pick up your best bud and go for a drive around Macomb County, Michigan. You don’t have to be alone if you don’t want to be.

Make New Traditions

If you’re suddenly finding yourself alone over the holidays and don’t feel like reliving years worth of traditions, make new ones. If you love a house full of activity but the kids are gone, consider inviting a few friends over for the holiday dinner. Ask each of them to bring a friend. You'll meet new friends who won't feel awkward about your situation. And you may even get some great coping advice.

Volunteering can also be a great new tradition. Opt to work in a soup kitchen or help out in an animal shelter. You’ll feel great about yourself while helping others in the process. After all, the holidays are about more than simply receiving.

Set Boundaries and Allow Mistakes

Be realistic about what you’re able to do and handle around the holiday. Now, make sure your family and friends are aware of your limits. If things change, keep them informed of those changes, regardless of how they vary. Do not let anyone guilt you into doing more than you can handle.

Understand that some people may not comprehend the difficulties you’re experiencing, so you may need to explain certain issues. Decide ahead of time how much you’re willing to disclose and how you’ll handle an exit strategy if it gets to that point. And if you have to cry in the bathroom or scream into a pillow in the guest bedroom, do it. Once that’s out of your system, realize the holidays will get better with each passing year.

For more advice on getting through the holidays, contact your Michigan divorce attorney for help.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

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