Friday, November 7, 2014

Can You Divorce While Still Living Together?

Recession has forced many divorcing parents in Macomb County Michigan to continue living under the same roof, since maintaining two households is beyond their financial reach. Additionally, the uncertainty to the children, who worry about where each parent will live, makes some divorcing partners opt to stick together during the divorce process. Living with a partner during the Michigan divorce process is not easy; the home always feels like a pot of boiling soup ready to spill over.
If you are in such a situation, here are some tips that will be helpful to survive that tense period in your relationship.

Plan a realistic budget
Financial matters often contribute to divorce in the first place and will likely continue to be a source of contention. Sit down with your partner and a Michigan divorce lawyer to develop a temporary household budget. The budget will likely be similar to what you have been paying plus the added expense of legal fees – utilities, mortgage/rent, insurance, groceries, taxes and so on. If you are both in the same earnings bracket, then it makes sense to split the costs 50-50. If your salaries are markedly different, however, then it's no reasonable to place an unfair burden on the lower-earning spouse. This is yet another area in which an attorney's advice is golden.  

Decide when to let your kids know about the divorce
Sometimes, when couples are going through a divorce and are still living in the same home, they prefer not to tell their kids about the divorce until one of the partners physically moves out. Others prefer to let their children know, especially if they move into separate rooms. Come to an agreement about when to tell the children, and limitations so that you do not overwhelm them with too much information.

Set boundaries
Without drawing a physical line in your home, you should consider creating a private area for each partner. Now, more than ever, you'll each need your own space to go to without any intrusions.

Do not bring new romantic partners home
If you want to begin dating again, be discreet. It's disrespectful to your to your soon-to-be ex (and confusing for the kids) when your bring a romantic date into your home while you are still living together.

Maintain good manners
Be courteous when dealing with your partner. If there are kids involved, they sure are watching how you interact and will pick up the traits they see you exhibiting to cope with a crisis. Even though your partner may be annoying at times, always try to control your emotions.

Plan for time in / time out
It is important to set times for so that each of you is aware of when your future ex will be in and out of the house. You'll each want ample time to spend with the children without being worried about another divorce argument erupting.

Need more help getting through divorce co-habitation? Contact your Michigan divorce attorney today.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

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