Monday, December 2, 2013

5 Errors People Commonly Make During a Michigan Divorce

Many individuals seek the advice of a Michigan divorce attorney when they have decided to dissolve their marriage. The latter is never a pleasant undertaking, and most Mt. Clemens, MI, residents find that it is wise to have a professional legal firm oversee the process. It is essential for couples who find themselves in such circumstances to avoid making the following five common divorce mistakes.

1. Using Children as a Weapon
The impact of divorce on a youngster is often more devastating than adults may initially believe. For this reason, everything possible should be done to ensure that children experience as little stress as possible throughout the process. An adult should never attempt to turn a child against the other parent, regardless of the circumstances leading up to the divorce. If abuse was an issue, and an order for protection is indicated, it is still best to say as little as possible about the other parent in order to make it less traumatic for the child. Children should never be regarded as weapons with which to attack one's former spouse. Such behavior can be psychologically damaging to the child.

2. Vandalism
Divorce mistakes also include acts of anger or frustration, such as damaging the other person's property. Although one may feel highly volatile and emotional over the circumstances leading up to the end of the marriage, acts of vandalism are always a mistake. This is because such activity can damage one's reputation in the community, as well as lead to his or her arrest. Once a person has obtained an arrest record, it is permanent. This can affect the individual's chances of securing a good job in the future, or being accepted to certain schools or other organizations. Additionally, it can also hurt the person's case when the hearing date for the divorce arrives.

3. Slander
Slandering one's former partner on social media outlets such as Facebook is also behavior that should be avoided at all costs. Defamation of character is a serious offense, and there is always the possibility that the person's ex may press charges if he or she is victimized in this way. Ultimately, although such behavior may be tempting when one is in a highly emotional state, it often causes as much trouble for the individual himself or herself as it does for the person against whom it is directed. Therefore, it is always in one's best interest to find healthier ways to vent anger and frustration.

4. Failing to Protect Assets
It’s never wise to assume that one's partner will act appropriately. This is because the best of intentions for an amicable divorce are often sidelined when emotions become involved or conflicting opinions emerge concerning child custody or property division. For this reason, one must make every effort to protect his or her assets.

5. Forfeiting Legal Assistance
Finally, it is often a mistake for individuals to attempt to handle their own divorce. Because the dissolution of marriage is a very emotional process, most people are much better off when the task is placed in the hands of a qualified Michigan divorce attorney. A Michigan divorce lawyer can substantially lessen the amount of stress one feels during the divorce process, as well as help the client to avoid the divorce mistakes outlined above and other common pitfalls. For this reason, Mt. Clemens, MI, residents who are planning divorce should seek legal advice as soon as possible.

Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation, get Michigan divorce help, and discuss your situation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500