Even if your divorce was mutually agreed upon, and started out as an amicable divorce, it can quickly turn nasty. Badmouthing, intense fights, and a whole host of hurt feelings can occur. The thing to remember is that many people have survived a nasty divorce in Michigan and come out the other side a stronger and happier person, and you can too. Following are four tips to help you cope with your divorce if it turns nasty.
1. Remember That This Started Out as an Amicable Divorce
The biggest reason that divorces turn nasty is because emotions are not handled with care. If your divorce started out amicably and suddenly tempers are flaring, then something was likely said or done to cause one or both of you to become emotionally hurt. Anger always stems from fear or hurt, and this realization can often help you view the situation in a different way.
If your ex is still willing to talk to you, you may want to have a conversation and deal with the emotional aspect of your divorce while you still can. Find out why they are hurt and offer suggestions to make them feel better. This will not always work, but if it does it will go a long way toward making your divorce easier.
2. Talk to Your Michigan Divorce Attorney to See How the Law Can Work for You
Sometimes your ex will not be willing to listen to you. If you are experiencing threats from your ex or if they are spreading vicious rumors about you that could affect your relationships, career, and future, then you need to do something about it. Talk to your Michigan divorce attorney to see what your options are to protect yourself, and then make sure that you take action on any suggestions you receive. It will be very hard to build your reputation back up if your ex succeeds in dragging your name through the mud.
3. Do Not Let Petty Things Control Your Emotions
Often petty things will cause the divorce to turn ugly. If you allow yourself to get caught up in those petty things, then you will have a hard time moving forward with the divorce in a reasonable way.
Remember, you do not have control over your ex and how they act or react, but you do have control over yourself, and in order to move forward in a healthy way, you have to make decisions that cause you to be happy. If that means letting go of trivial issues that are just not worth the fight, then that is what you need to do. Your happiness is worth more than anything.
4. Look for Support in Mt. Clemens, MI, During Your Divorce
Support is often underrated. We try to get through stressful issues by ourselves and convince ourselves that we are better off trudging it alone. However, it is important to remember the value in support. A strong support system can help you work out issues, overcome obstacles, and make well-informed decisions much easier than if you were doing it alone.
While support can come in the way of friends and family, it can also come through people who have been in your situation and can help you learn from their mistakes. This will ultimately mean that you will avoid common mistakes that create more tension or anger, and instead quickly move forward and put the divorce behind you.
An amicable divorce can turn nasty very quickly. Try sorting out the issue with your ex, but if you can't then seek advice to take action against anything they are doing to ruin your reputation. Remember, you are in control of how you feel and proceed with this divorce, and even if they choose to be miserable and vicious, you can choose to get support and move through your divorce in a way that leaves you happier and stronger.
Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation, get Michigan divorce help, and discuss your situation.
Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500