Wednesday, November 13, 2013

6 Ways to Avoid Negative Behavior During Your Michigan Divorce

Divorce is going to be a difficult process for all parties concerned. It’s almost unavoidable that you will come against some issues, no matter how hard you try. After all, it’s a life-changing decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

Nevertheless, the fact that divorce is emotionally draining doesn’t mean that it gives you a blank check to show destructive behavior. In fact, this can have a highly damaging influence on your relationships, work, and general well-being. 

The following guidelines have been put together with a focus on those going through a divorce in Mt. Clemens, MI, but they are applicable to most people. Take the following tips on board to avoid negative behavior during divorce. 

Tip 1: Do Not Be Abusive
No matter how angry or frustrated you get, it’s important to keep your emotions in control. You are especially advised to avoid leaving abusive messages on voicemail, emails, or texts. All of these create a massive (virtual) paper trail that won’t help you in the long run. 

Instead, vent your aggression via exercise or a diary. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions, just be careful whom you show them to. Friends and family are there to support you, so whenever you feel like you’re on the brink have a chat with them. Alternatively, think about going to therapy to help you through this difficult time. 

Tip 2: Don’t Publicize Your New Partner 
It’s a sensitive time for everyone, so if you have a new partner please try to avoid shouting it from the rooftops – or social media. Even if you’re the jilted party, it’s not a good idea.

This is only going to make things messy and it definitely isn’t going to look good in court. It may also spark a vindictive streak you didn’t know your former partner had. Proceed with extreme caution if you start dating

Tip 3: Be Careful With Social Media 
Social media is one of the most dangerous hangouts for those going through a divorce. It’s tempting to spend time stalking your former partner or leaving nasty comments for the world to read. 

The main thing to remember is to not air your dirty laundry in public. Remain civilized and discreet, discussing any issues with your friends, family, lawyer or therapist. 

Tip 4: Be Honest With Your Michigan Divorce Attorney
They’ve heard it all before; so don’t leave anything out when going over your divorce with your lawyers. Every single Michigan divorce attorney will keep your talks confidential, so you have nothing to worry about. 

Lawyers are there to help you in your situation and they need to know the details to ensure they can give you the service you deserve. Don’t be ashamed to put all of your cards on the table. It’s the smart move.  

Tip 5: Consider Your Children 
Your children are the most important and they should always come first. Do not use them as an excuse to argue with your partner, but think about their true interests before you act. 

Instead of badmouthing your partner or trying to get them on your side, be supportive towards their feelings. They care about both of you and trying to move them in one direction or another will make things more difficult for them. 

Tip 6: Find Diversions in Mt Clemens, MI 
When you’re getting a Michigan divorce, it’s easy to get stuck in a negative mindset, forgetting the good things life has to offer you. It's best to keep busy and do the things you've always loved doing but haven't had the chance to. This is a great way to get your mind off things and to remember that there is life after your divorce. It will get better over time, no matter how bleak things may look. 

In the end, it all comes down to thinking before you act. Try and be the bigger person at all times, though always keep a place where you can vent and talk through your emotions. Keeping things bottled up isn’t the way to go either. 

Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation, get Michigan divorce help, and discuss your situation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500