Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Dirty Truth about Social Media and Divorce

Social media can be a wonderful asset in life: it can improve one’s career and social standing, connect families, reunite long-lost friends, and even lead to Mr. or Mrs. Right – or at least Mr. or Ms. Right Now. But when a relationship comes to an end, social media can be disastrous. Not only can it lead to divorce, it can also severely impact divorce proceedings and affect your chances of receiving a fair settlement. So, exactly how can technology cause so much inter-relationship damage?

How Can Your Social Media Habits Lead To a Divorce?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are just a few of the popular social sites used daily by millions of users. In most cases, adults join social media to improve career goals or to connect/reconnect with friends—admirable, above-board reasons. But online relationships can be tricky. That co-worker you've been smiling at across the boardroom table may be open to chatting on Facebook. Perhaps your ex-boyfriend from college sends you the occasional flirty tweet on Twitter. Some of that can be normal and conditionally acceptable in modern society, but a new study says casual social media contact can lead to much more, including divorce.

Things can quickly go awry when extra-marital flirting begins online. What seemed like a simple tease or compliment suddenly gets carried into the next week. Before you know it, you’re making excuses to avoid your loved ones and hop online. A flirty comment blocked from your partner can still potentially be seen by a mutual friend… and then be shared with others. And even if you’re not at that point, your spouse could jump to conclusions and believe otherwise if they see the proof themselves on your laptop or phone. Next thing you know, they're calling a Michigan divorce lawyer and proceedings begin.

How Does Social Media Impact Your Macomb County, Michigan Divorce Proceedings?

So you may be thinking, "What’s the big deal with anonymous intimacy?" Well, it’s not so anonymous if it’s draining your energy from those who truly deserve it. While you may believe you’re safe for awhile due to electronic device scrambling the intimacy or hidden communications through a series of text fonts, think again. Your spouse may not be legally able to access your locked accounts and use them against you in court, but his Michigan divorce attorney can.

But the proof may not just include current potential indiscretions. Did you happen to post pictures about that wild girls' night out you had last weekend? Maybe your mistress tagged you in her vacation photos or on pictures of an expensive gift you gave her last year when you told your wife you were on a business trip. Perhaps you've just been posting derogatory comments about your soon-to-be ex or complaining about her lack of parental skills. While some of these things on their own are human errors that can normally be explained away, when used in divorce hearings, they can severely impact the final results. You can lose out on spousal support, be sued for adultery or marital property, and the court system can even consider you an unfit parent or in need or psychological assistance based on your online behavior.

The best rules of thumb are to consider everything you say and post online as a permanent statement. Sure, you can delete it, but it only takes a second for someone else to copy and send. If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it to your legal team and a judge, be leery of saying it online. A little common sense can go a long way toward avoiding expensive and irrefutable divorce mistakes.

If you are worried about your social media behavior, contact your Michigan divorce attorney for some damage control.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

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