Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Divorced in Michigan: Are You Ready to Date Online?

If you’re considering the options of dating after divorce, you may feel as though you’re about to enter an endless sea of confusion and disappointment. While the single world has probably changed significantly since the last time you were available, one of the easiest ways to test the water again is to wade into online dating. You may not be ready to consider it just yet, but it’s neither too early nor too late to ask your Michigan divorce team questions regarding post divorce socializing.

Knowing When It’s Time to Start Dating Again
It is human instinct to seek romantic love. But jumping from one serious relationship to another is generally a disastrous idea. If you’re still angry or resentful toward your ex spouse; you still feel strong emotions at the thought of him or her being with someone else; or you can’t stop thinking about the good times, chances are you are nowhere near ready to move on.

There is nothing wrong with that. You've been through a lot and you need to heal. It may take a year or longer to feel confident enough to return to adult socialization. Focus on yourself until you can fathom the idea of including thoughts about someone else. And when that day does arrive, your Michigan divorce attorney may be able to help with common sense approaches and safe advice.

Online Dating Dos and Don’ts
It seems like new websites devoted to online dating pop up daily, offering divorcees a chance to find some form of connection with another individual based on a set of mutual terms and interests. Not every site is based on finding love, and you have options. So, use those to your advantage.

The key is creating a good profile. Include the basics such as your first name, a current picture and honest physical attributes (anyone unwilling to date you for who you are now isn't worth dating). But leave out all overly personal details that could lead strangers directly to you.

Keep deal-breakers to a minimum. If you’re not open to a few surprises, you’re probably not ready to begin dating again. Keep things light, positive, and lean towards humor. Grammar and spelling count. You have one chance to make a first impression online or off. Make the right one.

How to Approach Online Dating
Once you've joined the site and created your profile, it becomes a waiting game. People will likely email or message you for a number of reasons. Be leery of those who seem to have taken residence on the site for years and those who admit to being serial daters. They’re likely still on the market for several unique reasons.

Avoid anyone who makes you uncomfortable for any reason. But once you find a comfortable match, talk via email for awhile before making further plans. Then talk on the phone. That will give you an idea of whether the person you've started to get to know is really a 30-something year old college professor, or a bored 12 year old gamer. And yes, it happens.

At the same time, don’t get too serious. Enjoy your new freedom. Consider the first 4-6 months of post divorce dating to be practice. Let your fears fuel you into the risky venture of social mingling, without the shackles of commitment and hard, fast rules. In other words, test those waters before buying a new boat. But be a responsible swimmer.

Safety First
Your first physical meeting should be in a safe and public place. Crowded coffee houses, athletic events, and daytime museums are great options. Make sure a close contact knows where you are, who you’re with, and has a way to contact you. It’s always best to err on the side of caution.

Keep your original meeting short. Nothing should be set in stone on your first outing. Keep the intrigue high and let chemistry flow over into follow up meetings. Of course, if the opposite occurs and the date is tragically uneventful, keep your head up. Your confidence will build with each trial. Right now, it’s all about finding yourself again.

Michigan divorce help is ongoing past the signing of documents and the shaking of hands. Whether you’re ready to pick up the phone, or you've simply landed on the website to read supportive words from people who understand and care about your needs; it is our goal that the above concepts and guidelines give you enough education and strength to decide for yourself the appropriate options for returning to safe dating. Talk to your Michigan divorce attorney about dating while going through a divorce. Contact Femminineo Attorneys in Mt. Clemens to schedule your free initial consultation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

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