Statistics show that almost 50% of marriages end in divorce.
While that’s a cold, hard truth in today’s American culture, it’s often
extremely difficult for all involved in the lives of the previously happy
couple. After all, partners don’t originally hope to fight over who one day
gets the ugly gravy boat from Aunt Brenda. In fact, for many relationships, their
wedding day holds the top 2 position among the list of best days ever, only to
take a back seat to the birth of their children; which, of course, all share
the number one spot equally. So, when the former deteriorates, what’s left of
the family unit? Seeking Michigan divorce help can soothe your concerns before
they escalate into full-blown panic.
When Marriage Stars Fade
The gossip hounds were all abuzz last month when superstar Gwyneth Paltrow and her rock star husband Chris Martin publicly called quits to their 10-year marriage. But what really got the starry-eyed watchers going was the lack of attack. For all intents and purposes, the general public seems to want and need divorce to be a glorious side show; especially when it involves celebrities. However, Gwyneth and Chris refused to be the stars of the circus, and moreover strive to protect their children from the internal crisis that all too often accompanies shattered families ripped apart by emotionally-fueled adult decisions. Instead they've opted for conscious uncoupling.
The west coast has heard of the term and shows little signs of interest. But it has set the rest of the country aflutter with snide comments and negative undertones directed at its bohemian-style disregard for the pain and suffering commonly associated with the end of marriage. Regardless of how you feel (if you feel anything at all) for celebrity couples, Chris and Gwyneth’s mature public decision may have just opened the gates to an entirely new way of thinking about commitment and especially divorce.
That certainly doesn't mean the romantic parting is any less painful to those making the hard decisions. And for that purpose, special consideration and support must be given to the couple who’s fighting so hard to keep their family together after the marriage is legally terminated. Your Michigan divorce deserves as much respect and consideration.
Conscious Uncoupling
But just what is this new-age trend? First of all, it’s neither new age, nor trendy. What it involves is taking responsibility for your decisions by refusing to blame, harm, or destroy anyone else in the process. Similar in many aspects to no-fault divorces, conscious uncoupling takes it a step further. Instead of ripping apart the family unit, often pitting partners and children against each other, new terms are decided upon and met to ensure co-parenting and continued relationships exist with everyone in the household. Does that mean you and your spouse can’t move on and find other people? Absolutely not. But you can remain family for the benefit of everyone involved.
While it's not a given that everyone will have identical terms to Mr. and Mrs. Martin, it does give you more of a chance to remain a happy and fulfilled family unit. Conscious uncoupling is still legal divorce, but with a sweet twist. It allows you to grow as individuals while keeping close the most important people in your life. After all, you began as friends. Why let something silly like falling out of romantic love tear your family apart forever? When you’re ready to discuss your options with a caring and professional team who’s on your side, a Michigan divorce attorney can help. Contact Femminineo Attorneys in Mt. Clemens to schedule your free initial consultation.
When Marriage Stars Fade
The gossip hounds were all abuzz last month when superstar Gwyneth Paltrow and her rock star husband Chris Martin publicly called quits to their 10-year marriage. But what really got the starry-eyed watchers going was the lack of attack. For all intents and purposes, the general public seems to want and need divorce to be a glorious side show; especially when it involves celebrities. However, Gwyneth and Chris refused to be the stars of the circus, and moreover strive to protect their children from the internal crisis that all too often accompanies shattered families ripped apart by emotionally-fueled adult decisions. Instead they've opted for conscious uncoupling.
The west coast has heard of the term and shows little signs of interest. But it has set the rest of the country aflutter with snide comments and negative undertones directed at its bohemian-style disregard for the pain and suffering commonly associated with the end of marriage. Regardless of how you feel (if you feel anything at all) for celebrity couples, Chris and Gwyneth’s mature public decision may have just opened the gates to an entirely new way of thinking about commitment and especially divorce.
That certainly doesn't mean the romantic parting is any less painful to those making the hard decisions. And for that purpose, special consideration and support must be given to the couple who’s fighting so hard to keep their family together after the marriage is legally terminated. Your Michigan divorce deserves as much respect and consideration.
Conscious Uncoupling
But just what is this new-age trend? First of all, it’s neither new age, nor trendy. What it involves is taking responsibility for your decisions by refusing to blame, harm, or destroy anyone else in the process. Similar in many aspects to no-fault divorces, conscious uncoupling takes it a step further. Instead of ripping apart the family unit, often pitting partners and children against each other, new terms are decided upon and met to ensure co-parenting and continued relationships exist with everyone in the household. Does that mean you and your spouse can’t move on and find other people? Absolutely not. But you can remain family for the benefit of everyone involved.
While it's not a given that everyone will have identical terms to Mr. and Mrs. Martin, it does give you more of a chance to remain a happy and fulfilled family unit. Conscious uncoupling is still legal divorce, but with a sweet twist. It allows you to grow as individuals while keeping close the most important people in your life. After all, you began as friends. Why let something silly like falling out of romantic love tear your family apart forever? When you’re ready to discuss your options with a caring and professional team who’s on your side, a Michigan divorce attorney can help. Contact Femminineo Attorneys in Mt. Clemens to schedule your free initial consultation.
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500
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