Of all the reasons for a Michigan
divorce, cheating is often placed on the hot seat. Accusations are slung,
fingers are pointed, and declarations are admitted or denials continue. In
today’s culture, it seems like infidelity is almost a mainstream concept, as
though it’s to be expected. And divorce is considered to be a simple cure for
the common ailment. But just how common is infidelity within modern marriages? The
facts may surprise you.
The Truth About Cheating
Look online and you’ll find “documented evidence” claiming that over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, and up to 60 percent of those are due to adultery. In fact, some websites insist that 75 to 85 percent of couples wind up having multiple extra-marital affairs. But it that true? No. It’s not even close.
Your Michigan divorce lawyer knows that statistics are scary for many newlyweds or those in committed relationships, and they should be. Why? Because marriage isn’t easy. It takes real work to remain in love with that person who currently completes you but will likely drive you up the wall within a few years. Yes, affairs can result from lack of communication, stress, and internal relationship issues that lead to you or your partner feeling unappreciated. But it’s not anywhere near as prevalent a concern as certain websites such as Victoria Milan and Ashley Madison make it seem.
Many couples consider infidelity to include a large range of feelings and emotions, not only the act of intercourse. Therefore, the act of some form of infidelity, whether that’s flirting or just thinking about it, does rest around the 40 to 60 percent mark. But once you've been in a committed relationship for awhile, you’re aware that looking or thinking about something (regardless about how hard you consider it) is not the same thing as doing it. There are several factors involved which affect a person’s decision to cheat.
As far as statistics are concerned, men are the more common cheaters, but only by a few percentage points. There’s less than a 10 percent chance your partner will actually cheat on you within any specific year in your relationship. But that percentage inflates to a 25 percent overall chance of infidelity when married for more than five years. While that’s a substantial jump, it’s still significantly less than the high percentages claimed on various cheating websites.
Why Are Fake Stats Promoted?
So then, why do all these websites claim otherwise? In all honesty, some people believe if something’s posted on the internet it must be true. So they repost it without considering the bases for those facts. But in the case of adultery-driven websites like Victoria Milan and Ashley Madison, the lies are promoted for one reason: to make money.
It’s important to understand that while most marriages do not suffer from adultery, that doesn't mean that people don’t consider the possibility. When asked if they’d ever have an affair if there was a guarantee they’d never be caught, 74 percent of men said yes, compared to 68 percent of women. So that’s where those high statistics emerge. And let’s face it, you may say you’d love to live on nothing but chocolate and whiskey for the rest of your life, but thinking and doing are completely different animals.
However, if someone left a stash of both on your kitchen counter and told you it’s OK to jump in because you’d never be caught, you might go ahead and give it a try. Certainly you’d suffer the consequences of such a ridiculous act. But if your will was already weak enough, it might not take much to push you over the edge. The infidelity dating sites prey on already weak resolves by promising them string-free matches which won’t bite them in the end. And the adulterer pays for that opportunity. So yes, they do create a permissive service. But it’s one fueled by the desire and wallets of those who have already made up their minds to betray their partner.
It all comes down to this: If you live in Macomb County, Michigan and believe your partner is cheating, Femminineo Attorneys can help you get out of your domestic issue and move on with your life. But if you’re considering taking that step and betraying your partner, you may want to reconsider that plan. Who knows, she may have already contacted us.
Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500
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