Saturday, March 22, 2014

Why Failed IVF Treatments Can Lead to a Failed Marriage

When it comes to marriage and planning a life together, there can be very high expectations in regards to finances, home life, and children. However, the life we expect and plan for is not always the life we get. For instance, the expectation of having children can be shattered when fertility problems arise, and that can cause a lot of pressure on a person and a marriage. But are fertility issues a cause for divorce?

When Your Child Plan Doesn’t Go as Planned
When you get married there are certain things that are agreed upon, and children is one of those issues. Whether you want no children or a basketball team, coming to agreement about how many you plan on having is one of the things that strengthens your bond and helps you plan out your future.

A Denmark study, which followed over 47,000 women and their fertility issues, showed that women who were not able to give birth were three times more likely to separate from their partner than the women who were able to have a child.

The study is not a surprise. When fertility issues arise, and your marriage is not working out as planned, it can put a tremendous amount of stress on both people in the marriage. The person with the fertility issue can feel guilty and angry, and the other person can feel upset, and both can feel cheated of the life they dreamed about. The pain can be too much to bear, and divorce is often an avenue that is taken.

How to Make Your Marriage Strong in the Face of Infertility
It is important to remember that life is not going to go the way you plan it. Careers will change, your home may change, illness may occur, and the dream of having children naturally may not happen. Understanding that life does not follow a blueprint, and being prepared for life's curve-balls, will help you tackle any situation, even fertility issues, with a strong and optimistic viewpoint.

However, if you are currently suffering from fertility issues, and it is starting to put a damper on your mental health and the health of your relationship, it may be time to have a conversation about an alternative future. While the conversation may be hard to have, the results will be worth it. Coming to terms with 'what is' and planning a new future can help both people in the marriage let go of the guilt, anger, and other negative emotions.

Seek Help in Mt. Clemens, MI Before You Choose Divorce
Sometimes letting go of the life you expected is easier said than done. From the above study, it is obvious that many people cannot let go of their hurt or anger and find that divorce is the only option to move forward.

If your relationship cannot recover from the loss of the life expected, you may be tempted to go your separate ways. However, before you move toward a divorce, you should try to seek help in the form of a therapist. They can help you come to terms with your loss, move past negative emotions, and rebuild your marriage.

If you have questions about the divorce process or are seeking a divorce attorney, contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC in Mt. Clemens, MI.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

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