Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thinking About Divorce? Try Marriage Counseling First

Every marriage requires constant work. There is no marriage that escapes that truth. Either your marriage is getting better or it is getting worse. It depends on how you interact in the marriage and what kind of habits you have. The more bad habits you have, such as not communicating, lying, or putting other people first, the more chance you have of a failed marriage. The good news is that you can easily fix those bad habits if you are willing to seek help outside of your marriage.

Before You Consult a Divorce Attorney, Do This
Look for outside help. Why? Because if you haven't been able to create a happier marriage on your own, then your ideas on how to fix the marriage are not working and you need a person who can objectively view your marriage and spot weaknesses that may need to be changed.

That does not mean you should seek help from your friends or family, though. They are invested in you and can easily look over the facts, soften the truth, or miss the real issues all together. You have to seek help outside of your inner circle.

Mt. Clemens, MI, Marriage Counseling
A marriage counselor is the best tool you have for saving your marriage. They are objective about your marriage, and they are trained in helping couples spot issues and resolve those issues.

This is especially true if you and your spouse are not on the same page as to what the issues are in the relationship. For example, if you are not able to understand your partner's point of view (and vice-versa), you may find that listening and understanding how your partner feels becomes much easier when the information is coming from a counselor.

When you are emotionally invested in someone, your defenses can go up very easy when they tell you something, which makes effective listening hard. When the information comes from a counselor, you will accept the facts much easier, and can finally start to work on those issues to fix your marriage.

Even if you don't think your marriage can be saved, it is still worth going to marriage counseling. They can help you relate to your partner better and part ways in a healthy manner that allows you to move forward with your life without baggage from the marriage.

The Emotional Trauma of Divorce Will Decline with Counseling
A divorce can be a great relief for many people. However, many people suffer from “divorce stress syndrome” after they part ways. This can be a short-term or a long-term issue, and it can cause a lot of problems in all areas of your life including career, relationships, and overall happiness.

A marriage counselor can help you avoid the divorce stress syndrome. For example, they will be able to help you and your partner see the real issues that are occurring in the marriage. That matters because many people go through a divorce without fully understanding what their marital problems were.

When you understand what the issues were, you can feel relief when the marriage ends and those issues disappear, and you can take measures to ensure that those same issues do not occur in future relationships. Moreover, you can end the marriage on amicable terms, which helps both of you avoid the stress and pressure of fighting during a divorce.

Lastly, counselors can help you move forward from the marriage in a positive way. The post-divorce adjustment period, where you head into a whole new way of living, will be easier with the proper tools. This reduces the possibility of stress, anxiety, and depression.

In the end, seeking help from a counselor is an important step when the marriage is suffering. While you should still consult your MI divorce attorney to find out what your options are if you cannot save the marriage, you should first try and understand what the issues are and if they can be fixed.

Learn more about the divorce process by contacting Femminineo Attorneys in Mt. Clemens, MI, for your free initial consultation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500