Wednesday, October 30, 2013

4 Tips to Conquer a Nasty Michigan Divorce

Even if your divorce was mutually agreed upon, and started out as an amicable divorce, it can quickly turn nasty. Badmouthing, intense fights, and a whole host of hurt feelings can occur. The thing to remember is that many people have survived a nasty divorce in Michigan and come out the other side a stronger and happier person, and you can too. Following are four tips to help you cope with your divorce if it turns nasty.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Understand How Parenting Time Works in a Michigan Divorce

When parents part, one of the most important questions is how much time will each parent have with the child. In Michigan the time that the non-custodial parent spends with their child is known as parenting time or visitation. Below you will find a broad overview of how to parenting time works.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Divorcing Someone You Still Love: 5 Ways to Cope with Your Michigan Divorce

Sometimes you marry someone who you love with all your heart, but throughout your marriage you realize that you are not compatible to live with this person for the rest of your life in an intimate way. It doesn't mean you love them any less; it just means that in order for both of you to be happy, you have to allow each other to find someone else who will be compatible in an intimate way for life. If you are going through a Michigan divorce with someone you love, use the following tips to help you cope.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Be Stronger Than Your Michigan Divorce: Overcoming Emotional Trauma

There are few things in life as devastating as the emotional trauma of divorce. It hardly matters if you asked for the divorce yourself, if it was a surprise you woke up to one day or somewhere in between – the stress is real and can harm all areas of your life. Fortunately there are a few smart tips that can help you make it through the storm and get your life back on track.