Sunday, September 15, 2013

5 Financial Problem Your Michigan Divorce Can Cause

In the US, 50 percent of all marriages will end in divorce. The numbers are even higher among those over 50 at about 67 percent. Getting a divorce is extremely stressful especially if there are children involved. But the most devastating by product of divorce is the financial burden it can cause. Ironically, the number one cause for divorce is financial problems. Those problems are magnified tremendously during and long after the divorce is final.

Let’s take a look at five of the most common ways a Michigan divorce can turn your finances upside down.

#1 – Divorce Affects Finances Differently For Women
According to research conducted by Utah State University, a woman is more likely to suffer overwhelming financial problems after a divorce especially if she has children. That’s because five out six children will end up living with their mother after a divorce. The mother now has to rely on just one household income instead of two. The Utah study also found that three out of four women do not get the full amount of court ordered child support. Unfortunately, in many households the husband earns more than the wife. Once divorced her income is simply not enough to pay for everyday expenses, bills and full time care of children.

#2 A Michigan Divorce Can Cause Problems With The IRS
Another area that is overlooked when seeking a divorce is the possible tax issues after the divorce is final. Couples involved in a divorce are so tied up emotionally neither thinks about which parent will get the tax exemptions for dependent children. If you ever watched one of the many reality court shows, there’s no doubt you’ve seen a divorced parent suing an ex spouse because one filed as head of household when the other believes they had that right to do so. In the end, the IRS will go after one or both and with interests and penalties added on it can quickly become a long expensive financial battle that can take years to settle.

#3 Michigan Divorce & Spousal Support
This is an area of divorce that can vary wildly. The amount one may have to pay in spousal support depends on a number of factors, but if alimony is ordered it’s not unusual to end up paying as much as 50 percent of your income to your ex-spouse.

#4 Credit Card Debt
In most cases, all debts created during the marriage will be divided between both parties. However, there have been cases where unsuspecting spouses going through a divorce are often blindsided by a mountain of credit card debt they didn’t even know existed. One spouse goes out and runs up a huge credit card bill while going through the divorce process. The other spouse often ends up having to take responsibility for paying off at least 50 percent of that debt as well.

#5 Macomb County, Michigan, Legal Fees
The amount you will pay to file for divorce varies depending on several factors. For example, if the divorce is not amicable, meaning you and your soon to be ex disagree on several issues, the costs to settle your divorce can increase quite a bit.

The decision to get divorced often happens during times of extreme emotional stress which can lead to costly mistakes. If you are thinking of filing for divorce, seek the advice of a Michigan divorce lawyer to explore the best options for your situation. Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Helping Your Kids Cope with Your Michigan Divorce

If divorce is a sad experience for parents, it can be very challenging and even traumatic to kids. If they do not receive the best support, they can end up being affected throughout their lives. Kids and divorce is a trending topic that you will not find only in courtrooms, but also in journals, blogs and books. But no one can understand the depth of the pain and the suffering some kids can undergo when their parents’ divorce. The experience could be less painful for kids if handled with tact and in the right way. The worst thing for kids is to feel that they are the cause of the divorce. Before you start considering hiring a Michigan divorce attorney, below are some of the facts you should know about handling divorce. 

Involve Kids More than Your Divorce Lawyer
Some people can be so involved about getting the divorce quickly done with that they forget that kids are part of the problem. Although the divorce is not their fault, they are directly affected and not involving them in the process could have tragic consequences for the kids. This is a period that kids need to understand that they’re loved unconditionally. They want to feel that they can count on you for stability and care. You can make them feel this from the way you listen to them and how you assure them that you’ll continue to be a father or mother they can count on. As much as you can, avoid the temptation to dwell much on what you want while neglecting the feelings, questions, and confusion the kids experience due to the divorce.

Get Help with a Michigan Divorce Lawyer
How the legal implications of divorce are handled can also affect your children adversely. You want to ensure that your children experience justice in its best form. One of the things to avoid would be to have children witness court drama on your divorce case. Instead of going through a lawsuit, you can choose to make the separation as peaceful as possible. By choosing the amicable way of separation, you’ll spare your kids the trauma of witnessing an open courtroom battle. An experienced lawyer in Michigan can advise you on the best course of action to take, ensuring that everyone receives a fair share of justice.

Make Informed Decisions by Consulting the Best Macomb County, Michigan, Attorney

Do not think that you can handle the situation on your own perfectly. The divorce process can involve a lot of emotional stress which can hinder those involved from being objective. It is natural for each parent to seek the best results for himself or herself, to get the best share of property, and to have favorable terms with child support and custody. The wrong decisions can affect kids very badly. By hiring a reliable, experienced, and well trained mediator, you can avoid making hasty decisions that can affect the lives of your kids negatively. An experienced mediator can help the couple become more aware of the needs of their children and how to handle them.

To successfully help kids go through the divorce process, it is important for parents to understand how they feel about the situation. Kids would want both parents involved in their lives. They would want better cooperation between the parents, not wanting to be the messengers between them. Kids would want to spend great time with each of their parents. During divorce, it is absolutely important for kids to be told the whole truth, without putting the blame at someone. They should be made to understand that things will be different; however, the changes that are to take place should be addressed with clarity and honesty. You’ll need to be very patient while children grow to accept the divorce, helping them find words for what they feel and acknowledging their feelings.

Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation, discuss your situation, and how a Michigan divorce might affect your children.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500