Thursday, November 28, 2013

Divorced at the Holidays: Find New Ways to Celebrate

No matter what your situation is, a divorce can make the holidays seem like a very scary and lonely time. The holidays are usually a time that family and friends, or sometimes just a couple, come together to share memories and laughter, and make more memories, and your ex and your traditions together were likely a very big part of that. Moving forward will be different, but you will survive! Following are some suggestions on how to get through the holidays after a divorce, no matter what type of situation you are in.

Surviving the Holidays After Divorce If Your Kids Will Be With Your Ex
If you have worked out a situation where your kids will be with your ex for the holidays, then you can feel very out of sorts and upset if you focus on it. First it is important to change the way you view the situation. For instance, having to spend your first holiday away from your kids will be hard, but remembering that you are allowing them to see their other parent and enjoy the holidays without guilt or anger will make it much easier.

During the holidays you can keep in contact with your kids, but since you can't spend time with them try to move your focus on to other family members or friends. If you focus solely on the fact that your kids are not with you, then you will cause your attention to stay on negative emotions that influence your holiday in a negative way.

Try holding a potluck at your house for friends, creating new traditions with your family members, or just celebrating the meaning behind the holiday in your own heart and feeling grateful for the next holiday you will be able to spend with your children.

If You Will Be Completely Alone During the Holidays This Year In Mt. Clemens, MI
If you normally spend the holidays with your ex or kids, and this year you will not have anyone to spend it with, nor want to spend it with anyone, then you can handle this in a couple of ways.

First, you can pretend as though the holiday is not happening. This will be easier said than done because there will signs of the holiday all around you and you can quickly feel bad when you finally allow yourself to admit that you are going through a holiday alone.

Another solution is to face the holiday head on. Plan ahead, acknowledge the upcoming holiday, and allow yourself to get swept away in the meaning, fun, and fantasy of it all. You may want to keep the traditions you love (like sitting by the fire with hot chocolate), but create new traditions that help you put your focus on your present and future instead of your past. For instance, you may want to decorate in a completely new way or at a new time of year.

Alternatively, if the holidays are too painful to spend at home, and you cannot ignore that they are occurring, you may want to book a vacation that allows you to experience a completely new feeling during the holidays; for example, going to a destination that you have always wanted to travel to, such as Rome, will keep your focus on the experience of travel rather than the holiday that is at hand.

If You Are Single and Dating After Your Michigan Divorce Attorney Has Helped You Finalize the Divorce
The holidays are a great time for someone who is single and dating. If you are willing to break free from any traditional habits you have, there are many different functions that are held for singles only, and this can be a really great chance to meet someone new who will spend future holidays with you in a traditional way.

If you have decided that you want to get away from your home for the holidays, you will find many singles vacations that will allow you to interact with people. Of course, you don't have to book a singles vacation. Because the world is populated with single people who you may be interested in, the chances of you meeting someone on vacation are very high.

In the end, surviving the holidays after divorce can be hard at first. However, whether you are alone, with friend, with family, or with strangers, there are ways to celebrate the holidays and feel good about it, no matter how different it may feel. Once you make it through your first holiday, you will start to feel better about each upcoming holiday.

Contact Femminineo Attorneys, PLLC to schedule your free initial consultation, get Michigan divorce help, and discuss your situation.

Femminineo Attorneys
Michigan Divorce Help
110 S Main St #200
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9500